Thanks to Hannah for this link: Green Porno: Isabella Rossellini demonstrates how invertebrates have sex...with costumes.
Last night Ben and I watched about an hour and a half of "The Elegant Universe" which I watched on tv several years ago. It's Nova and Nova rocks.
Also, it's summer and I'm lazy and overly warm. I've been spending a lot of time sitting near fans and forgetting to eat. I have my first day of class on Tuesday, 9-5. Yay, intensive summer classes! Then on Friday morning(the 4th) Ben and I are riding the train down to Portland. That day will most likely be spent with my familia, but I'd love to hang out with friends on Saturday!!! Pwease?
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Cara Mengecilkan Perut Buncit Secara Alami Sehat
*Cara mengecilkan perut buncit* - Memiliki postur tubuh ideal seperti
bentuk perut yang tidak buncit adalah dambaan para wanita juga pria. Ya,
selain menun...
11 years ago