Today is the Procession of the Species Parade! It starts at 4:30 in downtown Olympia. I will be there watching!!!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Procession of the Species
Labels: Olympia, Procession of the Species
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
More on the Yacht Club
As a follow-up to my last post, here are the Commodore and First Mate of the Olympia Yacht Club.That's really all I need to say.
Labels: Olympia
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Ben and I have been enjoying the yard at this house by cleaning it up a bit. The other day we weeded the front where there is a sort of rocky terrace with some planned plants and mostly dandelions. It looks amazing now sans weeds.
Today we mowed the lawn with the manual push mower and Ben did some weeding in the back. Go us! I'll take pictures as things continue. More bulbs keep popping up, some really pretty tulips. I can't wait to plant more! Also we fixed my bike up and I just need to adjust the seat a little more and I can ride it! Just need warmer weather.
Last night we walked downtown and it snowed on us. It was really beautiful. Ben thought it was more hail than snow but he is wrong. They were little snowflake shaped ice crystals. Snow! We went to Plenty and got milkshakes and artichoke dip and then rode the bus home. We stopped in that little park on the west side of the 4th ave bridge and walked around the boardwalk on the other side. The Olympia Yacht Club was having a bumpin' party. Limbo music was being played by a DJ and a bunch of old people were whistling and laughing. Van Morrison came on as we got to a place where we could see inside and count about 20 middle-aged to elderly people wearing leis. Thank you, Yacht Club.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Organics in Landfills don't decompose
The Spring/Summer 2008 issue of "Talkin' Trash" from Thurston County Water and Waste Management (which can be found here) gave me an interesting tidbit of information that has convinced me to try composting again, especially now that I'm in a house.
"Organics in Landfills: It's a myth that yard and food waste decompose quickly in landfills. Organic materials stay intact for decades in landfills because the items are sealed away from oxygen and moisture. University of Arizona Professor William Rathje and his students found hotdogs, pastries, and other recognizable foods 15 years after the foods were buried in a landfill. Nearby newspapers (still readable) were used to identify when the items were buried."
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Spring Quarter Schedule
6-10pm: Chemistry for Everyone (every other week)
10am-12pm: Introduction to Beekeeping
1-3pm: Ceramics: Studio Projects
7-9pm: Principles of Economics
1-3pm: Ceramics: Studio Projects
7-9pm: Principles of Economics
2-5pm: Introduction to Neon: Shaping Light
Monday, April 7, 2008
My Personality Type
Hannah posted her personality type on her blog, so I am following suit [it's just the standard Meyers-Briggs(sp?)]. Quiz
(Intravert, Intuitive, Feeler, Perceiver)
People of this type tend to be quiet, reserved and kind; deeply passionate, sensitive and easily hurt; loving and dedicated to those close to them; creative, original and imaginative; curious and flexible in small matters; nonconforming.
The most important thing to INFPs are their deeply held beliefs and living in harmony with their values.
Great careers for INFPs
Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is INFP:
- Psychologist
- Human resources professional
- Physical therapist
- Researcher
- Translator / interpreter
- Legal mediator
- Employee development specialist
- College professor: humanities
- Massage therapist
- Social worker
- Librarian
- Fashion designer
- Editor / art director
This site added two careers:
- Religious worker
- Holistic health practitioner
How to Love an INFP
- Appreciate my uniqueness and sensitivity.
- Be a patient and supportive listener.
- Respect my privacy and my need for emotional intimacy.
- Be reassuring and gentle in your words and actions.
- Try not to force decisions too quickly, or bug me about being messy.
- Above all - respect my feelings and never demand that I compromise my values.
Tips for Communicating with INFPs:
- Share genuine beliefs and values to establish rapport
- Respect their slower warm time and need for privacy
- Emphasize the ways ideas will benefit others
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Update on projects
I've been working on some interesting things. Interesting to me at least.
To start out, here's Ben being a good boyfriend and putting together my bed on the day I moved in:
This is my latest knitting project. It's going to be a hat. The pattern is from a book I bought recently called Knitting Beyond Scarves by Melissa Leapman. It's a rectangle that you gather at the top. Anyway, the yarn is Ella Rae brand 100% wool and is ever so lovely.