Ben's post about the Giant Inflatable Colon makes me laugh. There are excellent pictures. You should read it.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Ben is amoosing
Labels: Ben
Spring Break
Sorry I haven't updated but I don't have any pictures right now and I wanted to wait.
I finished a scarf, it's the blue and orange striped one for Ben. I saw Candice yesterday and we went to Sushiland, Powell's, and a yarn store on NE Broadway called "Twisted" and I got a yarn needle and she showed me how to tuck in the little tails on the scarf.
My mom got a puppy. We haven't named her yet, but she is very wee, a mix of Pomeranian, Pug, and some sort of Terrier. She is gorgeous and adorable. I didn't bring my USB cord, but I'll take pictures and upload them when I get home.
Also, my room is pretty much set up back in Olympia. I'll take pictures of that soon too.
I'll be back in Oly on Saturday, my mom is driving me up. I think that's when Ben should be home too. So...that's my story.
Oh! And my Aunt Lannie gave me five Persian rugs that she's gotten from auctions and such for cheap and no longer needs AND a bunch of big jars to keep my dry goods in(flour, sugar, etc). Yay!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Moving day
Today Ben and Hannah were badasses and helped me move all day. Hannah made a post in her blog about it, accompanied by pictures:
Sunday, March 16, 2008
My night
Happy Saturday! It's after midnight now, so it's SUNDAY and today I am moving! I'm almost done packing. I'm really happy and excited. Oh, and Louis C.K. is on Comedy Central and I keep laughing really loud, so it's a good thing Corbin's not home or he would hear me.
Friday, March 14, 2008
I'm moving to my new house on Sunday afternoon. So far Hannah and Ben are helping me, and I'm renting a U-Haul so I don't have to try to strap a full mattress on top of Hannah's Subaru. Also so I can get most everything in one go, especially the furniture. If you wanna help, show up at my apartment at 1:30 or 2. The plan is to order pizza when we've got most of the stuff moved into the new house. Since I have the U-haul, you can ride over to the house in Hannah's car. I hope that if you can't help on Sunday, you'll at least come visit me soon! I want everyone to see where I live, it's really easy to get to. I posted the address on facebook. You get off at the Koibito stop and then it's a very short walk. I'm super excited!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Spring Classes
Chemistry for Everyone
2 credits
6-10p Mon, Mar 31, Apr 14, 28, May 12; 10a-4p Fri or Sat, May 30 or May 31
Through a series of learning experiences, this course will relate chemistry to everyday life in a manner suited for those with no science background. Learning experiences will focus on both general and organic chemistry. The learning experience may consist of lectures, workshops and labs. All students will be given the opportunity to make and break chemical bonds, handle glassware and chemicals and perform chemical reactions.
Ceramics: Studio Projects
4 credits
1-3p Tue & Thu
This is an intermediate to advanced course. Emphasis is on independent work in sculpture, pottery and/or related areas. Course work will include a study of glaze chemistry.
Economics, Principals
4 credits
7-9p Tue & Thu
Presented in a non-technical and logical manner, this introductory course will introduce you to the essentials of economic theory and policy. We will explore the fundamentals of economic theory and practice, and extend these concepts to real-world applications. This course will help you acquire an understanding of micro- and macro-economic terminology, concepts and principles. Furthermore, this course will help you realize the important role that economics plays in our lives, and will help you gain a greater understanding of economic policy, as well as how decisions influence the success or failure of a business.
Neon, Introduction to: Shaping Light
2 credits
2-5p Fri
This course introduces students to the basic skills in the fabrication of neon. Each student will learn to heat, bend, weld and anneal glass tubing using a ribbon burner, cannon fire and tipping torch. Students will learn the bending process for the four basic bends: 90 degree right angle, double back, "U" and "O" loop. Students will learn to blow bubbles in a tube. They will use these techniques to fabricate several creations of their own design. Students will be guided through the processes of bombarding and wiring of their individual projects to safely attach and handle high-voltage transformers to energize their neon. Instruction in the mounting and display of the neon projects concludes the course.
Monday, March 10, 2008
I'm moving, probably next week, and it's super excited! I found the place on craigslist. I'm moving into the available bedroom and then in July, the current occupants are moving out because their lease is up. Then Ben and I are taking over and it's gonna be awesome! This house is SO gorgeous.
This is the living room. I'm standing in front of the front door and Ben took the picture from the kitchen entry.
The living room from about where I'm standing in the previous pic. Those are my new roommates for the quarter, Jessie and John. The doorway behind them goes to a hallway with the bathroom and their bedroom nearest.
The kitchen from the entryway that the first picture was taken in, if Ben just turned around the other way. The room beyond is a little nook with a futon and plants in it. Those doors lead to the back porch.
The kitchen as viewed from the nook. Notice the gas stove!!!
Washer and dryer!!!!!
Very fancy stairs going up to the second floor.
Looking down the stairs.
The little purple bedroom that Josh moved out of, opening up space in the house for me!
A closet in the purple bedroom.
The space at the top of the stairs and between the bedrooms with a tv just out of the picture on the right side.
The larger bedroom where Johann currently resides. He's offered to switch to the smaller room since he's almost never there and I've decided to take him up on it, although the purple room is much more adorable.
The only bathroom in the house...
A chameleon in what's currently used as the computer room. He shares the room with two bright yellow finches.
A little add-on room where the dryer currently vents, making it unusable for anything other than basic storage. BUT it leads to a sauna!
Next to the garage with the house beyond. The garage and driveway are in a weird spot.
The beautiful back porch!!!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
More knitting
I'm knitting another scarf. I'm making it wide and it's quite soft. I think i'm gonna need another skein of yarn for this one too.
Also, here's a funny picture:
Saturday, March 1, 2008
The Ditty Bops
The Ditty Bops have a new album! I'm excited to get it but until I call my dad and ask him for money I just don't have enough in my account to order it. I just wanted to let you all know.
It's called "Summer Rains" and they made the packaging special with pop-ups and drawings :-D and it's not released under the WB like their past albums. They have two songs from the album on their myspace page, one in the regular area and one in video form.
I hope they come to the NW again soon...
Labels: The Ditty Bops